By Taylor Fife
Diversity & Inclusion Co-Chair and Social… Federoff Federoff2020-11-17 15:56:342024-06-24 10:21:52From the armed forces to the civilian workforce: Tips to attract, hire and retain veterans
By Megha Pai
D&I Committee Co-Chair and Social Media Co-Chair… Federoff Federoff2020-11-04 11:34:362024-06-24 12:05:26PR Summit Digital Series: Building a More Accessible, Inclusive World
By Ashley Jones
Communications Chair
PR and media: They go… Federoff Federoff2020-09-17 19:07:252024-06-24 12:09:32Matching the Postcard to the Destination: 'Putting the PR in Press,’ an Event Recap
By Jesse Serra
Programming Co-Chair
Throughout history, it’s… Federoff Federoff2020-09-01 23:54:442024-06-24 12:09:49Uncertain Times Call For Substantial Change