PRSSA Students: 5 Ways to Remain an Active Member During Summer

By Maura Fenske

Summer is the perfect time for many things: taking a break from school, gaining experience in your field and especially becoming a better PRSSA member. Whether or not you have a summer internship or a job, staying active in PRSSA is vital. With four months off school, you have time to dedicate to your growth as a future public relations professional. Here are five ways to remain active in your PRSSA membership throughout the summer. 

1. Network.

The guy down the street from your parents’ house, the woman in the apartment across the hall, the distant relative you met at the family Fourth of July picnic: these could all be potential connections in the public relations world. You never know who could play a major role in your future by helping you build your career. Keep your eyes and ears open all summer; you never know when or where your next job opportunity might come from. Be sure to follow up with these new connections via LinkedIn, or even better by writing them a handwritten note thanking them for taking the time to speak with you and to help you get ahead.

2. Make plans.

Though your PRSSA chapter isn’t meeting regularly during break, summer is not the time to slow down in planning or preparation for the new school year. Try to schedule a conference call or Skype session with your executive board members or your committee members. Even if you are not on the board or a committee, think of new and creative ways you can better your chapter. If you need some help or inspiration, reach out to your local PRSA parent chapter members for extra guidance. They will be more than willing to schedule a call or a face-to-face meeting with you.

Additionally, make plans to attend PRSA-hosted events this summer. In August, PRSA Pittsburgh will hold a Young Professionals Game Night at Buckhead Saloon. Professionals from the field will be available to network as you play games and get to know one another. Another upcoming event is the annual Professional Development Day, which will be held Oct. 27. Mark your calendar for these events!

3. Stay in touch.

Professors, mentors, former bosses, your parent PRSA chapter members and those previously mentioned new connections will love to hear from you during the summer. Even if it’s just discussing summer vacation plans or the classes you’re taking during the fall semester, drop them a note in the mail or in their inbox to let them know you’re thinking of them even though you are no longer seeing them every day. Keeping these relationships strong will prove to be an asset to you in countless ways.

4. Read as much as you can.

Summer is prime reading time! From great new books to classics to articles and blogs about the public relations profession, soak in as much reading material as you can. Not only will it keep your mind sharp and further educate you, but it will also make you a better writer. And while we’re on that subject…

5. Write as much as you can, too.

The number one tool in public relations is, of course, writing. Whether you are writing freelance public relations pieces, blog posts, articles for your hometown paper or even journal entries, continuing to hone your writing skills in the summer is immeasurably important and will help you get, and stay, ahead.


Maura Fenske is a junior public relations major with a journalism minor at Waynesburg University. She serves as the chapter president for the Waynesburg University Public Relations Student Society of America Chapter and an account executive for Red Brick Communications. Maura hopes to combine her passion for public relations, writing and sports in her future career. Connect with Maura on Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn

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