We formed the D&I Committee simply because we needed a dedicated task force to tackle the lack of diversity in the PR industry.
The Institute for Public Relations reports that “White women dominate the profession at lower organizational levels, and White men hold most upper-level positions.” Although more women are in leadership roles and more people of color are entering the field today, problems still persist, such as lack of racial and ethnic diversity and inequity in pay.
As PR professionals, we are ethical storytellers. We’re responsible for producing truthful, accurate and fair communications materials. If a company’s employees do not reflect the larger society they belong to, the messages they create are at a greater risk of being culturally insensitive and offensive.
PRSA Pittsburgh is dedicated to elevating the voices and telling the stories of those who are so often unheard in the PR industry. Diverse perspectives are integral to changing the narrative and creating a future of equitable and inclusive opportunities for all.
The Diversity & Inclusion Committee of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Pittsburgh Chapter is driven by this goal — to build awareness by increasing visibility of D&I standards, resources and best practices inclusive to groups of different racial, ethnic, religious, sexual orientation and gender backgrounds; as well as to those who are differently abled. We want to increase this visibility to underrepresented groups during all phases of their career.
Our efforts (so far)
PRSA Pittsburgh is proud to stand by and support individuals of all races, genders, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientation, disabilities, and any other beautiful identifier. Unfortunately, a lack of diversity continues to exist in our field. Your voices and stories are integral to changing the narrative and creating a future in which opportunities are equal. We look forward to implementing efforts that support your professional development and bright future.
We welcome your feedback and interest to get involved with our efforts.
Please contact our Diversity & Inclusion Committee Chair with any questions, concerns or ideas:

Charlene Payne
"It’s important to continue the conversations, work collaboratively, and share the untold stories that assist in sustaining progressive and innovative spaces. We strive to support such efforts by creating impactful and valuable programming that encourages inclusion at multiple touchpoints."
From the PRSA Pittsburgh Blog
- Commit to Fostering Inclusive Workplaces and Equitable Opportunities for All — Sign Our D&I Pledge
- From the armed forces to the civilian workforce: Tips to attract, hire and retain veterans
- New Diversity & Inclusion Chairs discuss visibility and impact that diverse voices can bring to Pittsburgh’s public relations industry
- There are a lot of white guys in my head
- Sustaining the Rainbow: Ensuring We’re Perpetuating Pride and Everything it Stands for Long After June
- Take the first step: Let’s all do our part to make public relations and Pittsburgh more diverse
- International Women’s Day – Equality is Everyone’s Fight
- First PR Summit Session Aims to Transform the D&I Landscape in PRSA Chapters
- PR Summit Digital Series: Building a More Accessible, Inclusive World
- Honoring Black PR History: A reflection on pioneers of the industry
- Cultivating an accessible, diverse and inclusive PR community
- Honoring Black History Month and Beyond: A Campaign Roundup
- Powerful female mentors inspire women’s history month reflections from chapter members
- Freeze-frame: The Importance of the Black Female Narrative
- Continuing the Conversation on DE&I in the Communications Industry with Fatou Barry, Founder, PR Girl Manifesto
- Making a Positive Impact To Celebrate Diversity, Today
- Identify Without Discrimination: The Importance of Being Included
- Observing Hispanic Heritage Month in the ‘Burgh
PRSA Pittsburgh Materials
- PRSA Pittsburgh D&I Online Pledge or via PDF
- D&I Chair Duties 2021
- PRSA Pittsburgh 2021 D&I Event Checklist
- PRSA Pittsburgh D&I Toolkit 2021Modeled after PRSA’s Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit, PRSA Pittsburgh created this toolkit to assist local PR and communications professionals in developing relationships with diverse communities and committing to creating a future of equitable and inclusive opportunities for all in the region. Information on the following pages will include a diverse, equitable and inclusive glossary of terms, a comprehensive list of diverse groups in the region and ways to cultivate diversity and inclusion in the workplace. PRSA Pittsburgh’s Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit is updated annually to ensure its contents are current and relevant.